Friday, October 28, 2011

Urban Design Typologies, Process and Products

“A good city is not a result of individual, independent and selfish decisions”
(Enrique Penalosa, Mayor of Bogota)

The city is a collage of overlapping precincts, places and linkages (Rowe and Koetter, 1978). How should these elements be designed and organized? Is the urban design a product or a process? This book is not only to provide a typology of procedures and products of the urban design field but also to present a number of case studies that illustrate the range of interpretations of urban design.
This book is written by Jon Lang, a master in urban development and design program of University of new South Wales Sydney, Australia. The book is consist of 4 (four) comprehensive parts. Part I is the nature of urban design and urban designing. In this first part, the author discusses the public realm of cities and urban design, urban design process and the evolving typology of urban design process.

Second part of the book provides a clear explanation about traditional urban design process and product. This part is completed with various case studies from around the world.
The core of the book is present in the third part of the book. There are four typologies of current work of urban design process and procedures which are total urban design, all-of-piece urban design, piece-by-piece urban design and plug in urban design. All of these typologies explanation come with number of case studies each.
The future of urban design is the last part of the book. In this part, a visionary thought about urban design is presented.